From the 1913 diary of Olga Romanov:
Wednesday. 4 September. Went to Oreanda with Papa and T, then swam. 17 degrees. Butakov and Kozhevnikov had breakfast (they also played tennis), Nevyarovsky and Smirnov. 20 degrees in the shade. Countess Trubetskaya also came over. Won 1 set with T. against Papa and A. I lost 2 single sets to Anya 4-6. N.P. and Rodionov were also there, but S. is on watch duty since 4 o’cl, and I feel lonesome without him. Mama was there too. Had tea in the garden. Her temperature keeps rising and [her] heart is enlarged. In the morning [her] temperature was 37.4, in the evening the heart was No.2 and she does not feel well. 17 degrees in the evening. We two rode in motors with Papa and Anya […]
From the book Journal of a Russian Grand Duchess: Complete Annotated 1913 Diary of Olga Romanov, Eldest Daughter of the Last Tsar

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