From a letter of Anastasia Romanov:
“… My bronchitis is gone now. In the morning before breakfast I stay in bed in my room and write or Shura reads to me, and I go to the playroom for breakfast, and there get into bed. Mama comes for tea and sits until 6 o’cl. Yesterday Alexei was in a very military mood, what he did not do, he was so terribly funny. Now we have nice weather, the sun comes out and not much melts, so that it is rather warm and nice… We will soon have breakfast with Alexei, but he will not finish very fast, while I am ready in 10 min. or faster… I am so bored sitting in bed and being unable to go to our infirmary – this is desperately boring…”
From the book MARIA and ANASTASIA: The Youngest Romanov Grand Duchesses In Their Own Words: Letters, Diaries, Postcards.

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