To the Tsesarevich Alexei
By Sergei Bekhteyev
(Translated by Helen Azar)
In the days of hopeless sorrow
In the days of common human weakness,
Your image, so pure and gentle,
Draws us in with wonders of the past;
Draws us in with its luminous eyes
With genuine kindness,
Draws us in with its celestial features,
Draws us in – with its unearthly beauty.
And all mistakes are forgotten
As well as griefs that torment us,
Having seen that regal smile
From your innocent young eyes.
And all our idle dreams,
Become insignificant in our hearts,
And our selfish and anxious fears,
And paltry voices of destitution.
And in these sweet moments,
Before a soul renewed
Your image pure and holy
Appears like a blessed vision…

“Why?! – a wild scream is blasting-
Why did this lot fall on us ?! “-
Because at Marxists’ feet
Tsarevich Alexei fell in mud..
(By Gleb Gorbovsky)

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