Grand Duchess Anastasia or “Nastasia”, was also known as “Shvybzik” or “Shvybz” – the nickname which referred to her quick and naughty nature.
Anastasia Romanov was said to be made of mercury instead of flesh and blood.
She was the family comedian who excelled at mimicking those around her, was rather witty and loved to play practical jokes – to the chagrin of her siblings, governesses, tutors and friends.

Looking at the many photos, and reading the many letters of Anastasia Romanov, one can easily see and feel her sparkling personality come through.
From letters of Anastasia Romanov to her father, Nicholas II:
“I just came out of the bath. We saw Semenov-Tan-Shansky’s sister, who is also working, she is terribly ugly.”

“I must end. I wish you all the best, kiss your hands and feet 1,000,000 times, and wait!!! Your loving with all her heart servant, 13-year-old Nastasia (Shvybzik) ANRPZSG. May the Lord keep you. + Sleep sweetly and see me in your dreams.”
“Today Liza is hurrying me to go to bed, but of course I won’t go. Maria stayed at Anya’s and I am waiting for her because I am alone and bored… I have not written in my diary for a while, did not have time. So boring. I greet your Imperial Majesty, Hurra! [her drawing was attached here]… Your loving daughter, the 13-year-old by the name of Nastasia with a patronymic Nikolaevna, and a surname Romanova. Shvybzik. ANRPESG. Artichokes!! And further Rododendron. Uran 1000000 kisses.”

“I took this picture in the mirror, and it was hard because my hands shook… Well, I made a stain [on the letter] because Olga butted in… Yes sirree! … Olga is hitting Marie, and Marie is screeching, like a foolish Dragoon, such a big fool.”

From the book MARIA and ANASTASIA: The Youngest Romanov Grand Duchesses In Their Own Words

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