In 2004 author Robert Alexander published a novel called “The Kitchen Boy“, which shortly became a bestseller. About 10 years later, a Hollywood movie with the same title went into production, to be released in late 2015.
But who was the real “kitchen boy” – Leonid Ivanovich Sednev – a boy who was just a year older than Tsarevich Alexei and the latter’s last friend and comrade. The boy who faithfully served the Romanov family at the Ipatiev House, their last household in Ekaterinburg, until just a day before their murder.
Leonid “Lyonka” Sednev became the only human survivor from the “House of Special Purpose”- the last residence of the Romanov family, where the family of the last Tsar of Russia, Nicholas II, met all their deaths. Read more ROMANOV FAMILY: THEIR REAL “KITCHEN BOY” – LEONID SEDNEV