The Two Russian Revolutions
There were two Russian revolutions that actually occurred in 1917. The first one, referred to as “The February Revolution” (also known as the February bourgeois-democratic revolution) – initiated the events in Petrograd, which resulted in the abdication of Emperor Nicholas II. These events span from the end of February to early March of 1917 (according to the Julian calendar then used in Russia).

The February revolution began as a spontaneous impulse of the masses, based on strong dissatisfaction with the liberal-bourgeois circles and with the (perceived) autocratic politics of the Tsar. Bread riots, anti-war rallies, demonstrations, and strikes superimposed on this discontent and contributed to the unrest of the revolutionary masses. On February 27, 1917 (March 12 on the Gregorian calendar), a major general strike grew into an armed uprising; the troops sided with the rebels, and took over the most important points of the city – the government buildings. Under these circumstances, the tsarist government was unable to come to a quick and decisive action which may have saved the Romanov dynasty rule. Read more THE TWO RUSSIAN REVOLUTIONS